
Heroism and Sacrifice

'This letter is from Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus.'
Philippians 1:1
We are reminded this week of the theme of sacrifice as we remember ANZAC day and particularly those who devoted their lives to service in military campaigns and in some cases paid the ultimate price. It is out of these conflicts that heroism and selfless service emerges in its brightest form. No one who enters a military conflict wants to die, but they are willing to risk their lives for the greater good. As Aussies, we love ANZAC day and the stories it inspires.

But I wonder how much we are willing to sacrifice. I suspect we enjoy celebrating the heroes much more than the idea of being one. We applaud the sacrifice of others but do not really wish to sacrifice ourselves. We cheer for the underdog, but no one really wants to be the underdog. It is one thing for sacrifice to be an ideal. It is another to live it out.

The apostle Paul refers to himself as a slave of the Lord Jesus. This was more than just a concept but was seen in his life-long commitment. Jesus, the one who gave his life for us, is more than worthy of receiving from us full hearted devotion. What have you sacrificed for Jesus? Do you just admire the Christian heroes from a distance or are you willing to put the effort in to living that kind of life? Let us not just be spectators of heroes. Let us be heroes by our own sacrifice.

God bless you and your family