Our Stories

Munduberra Mission Trip 

Stories from the Munduberra Mission Trip by Lachlan Wyer.

The Munduberra Mission Trip was a rousing success. With four children turning up over the two days, God provided more than the last Munduberra trip. But with two children wanting to turn up on the second day, one turning up and bringing a friend, God truly worked in their hearts, providing a different way of getting His word to these children. Whether through the numerous crazy games, dramas hastily devised and changed, or the songs to remember the memory verses and themes over the days. Jesus called us not to inhibit the children’s faith walk because they are young (Matthew 19:13-14, Luke 18:15-17), but by welcoming the children, we welcome Him in. (Luke 9:36-37). And I certainly think that we as a group achieved that.

Providing for the children was only part of the trip. Another piece was providing a connection for the church's locals. It was great to give them members of the congregation who could catch up and do life together, living out God’s kingdom. The number one cause of young people and children leaving the church is a lack of connection and relationships in and tthrough the church, and it was great seeing these relationships built.

The next part of the trip was building connections between the Munduberra Church and the Hervey Bay Church. This was one of the greatest successes, in my opinion. As a group, we did several things with Sue (Cooking and Cleaning), Paul (Hiking and Swimming), and Russ (BBQ). This deepening of the inter-Church relationship is one of the greatest things to see. The trust was shown for us to “destroy” and mess up the church to provide a fun time for the children who could have shown up. A big thank you goes to these people for the advice and ability to give the children a memory that will last a lifetime.

The final part of the trip was our growth and development as leaders. Each of us pushed the boundaries of what we could achieve through running games, participating in dramas, igniting the child within us, or even setting the example and leading the children from the back. All experiences build trust amongst each other and confidence in what we can achieve as a team.