Our Stories

Life Group Leaders Retreat

Life Group leaders at a mini retreat. Sat Jun 30
Life Groups hold great value to us here at HBBC. God has called us to do life in community. This is where we can be authentic, learn from His Word together, serve one another and reach out to others in ministry together. Life Groups are certainly a place to grow in our faith.

We have over 230 people in our church who are involved in one (or two!) of the 24 different groups currently running at our church.
James, with Karen Young's assistance, do a terrific job supporting the leaders of these groups, and although it's hard to get them all together, a number of the leaders were able to join together last Saturday morning for a retreat.

James felt it was a perfect time for fellowship, prayer, and strengthening for all involved. Brett led a devotion, which included personal quiet time with the Lord, along with time in prayer in small groups.
A time of feedback brought much encouragement, as leaders have witnessed the hunger in people for God's Word, celebrations of life experiences (3 marriages in our Young Adults!), groups for new Christians to grow, new groups born from large groups, outreaches to others and discipleship of one another.
There was opportunity to look at the challenges, and possible solutions, in running a group also.

James also led a time of learning and sharing about making the job as a leader sustainable by growing leaders within our group.

Our church has some great Life Group leaders, and they do a great job. Make sure you encourage your own Life Group leaders if you are in a group.

Commencing July 21st, Brett will be leading a six week sermon series 'Every Day Discipleship'. Our hope is that everyone would join a group to dig deeper throughout the week to gain the most from the series.

To help with this, James & Karen will be available at church July 14th for you to sign up.
We'd love to help you connect and grow in your faith, knowing God's abundant love and desires for your life!