
Chisel out the Tablets

The LORD said to Moses, “Cut for yourself two tablets of stone like the first, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke."
Exodus 34:1
Not every aspect of service for God is exciting or miraculous. We can sometimes mistakenly feel that when we are in the will of God, everything has to be spectacular or supernatural. This is not a true biblical picture of what it means to follow God. It is true that God does do amazing things among his people, but most of the time the task of following God is simply the hard yards of faithfulness.

Moses experienced some of the most awe-inspiring encounters with God. He witnessed miracles and performed them as well. He spoke with God directly. But on this particular night, following God meant the hard back breaking, sweat filled, hard labour of chiselling out stone tablets. It doesn’t appear very spiritual, nor desirable, yet was part of obeying God’s instructions. Though miracles can happen in the blink of an eye, mostly God works through walking alongside his people as they go about ordinary work, accomplishing his will through their obedience over time. The mundane, routine, and tiresome work can be a greater part of God’s grand purposes than we think.

God bless you and your family