Our Stories

The John Drama

By Steve Niebling,

Over the last year I’ve been on a journey. It started with me asking the Lord about 2 main issues, the first was what to do about my work/impending retirement; the other concerned how I should use my latent drama skills. A short time later I had the opportunity to join the cast of The Matthew Drama Hervey Bay/Gympie which despite my initial concerns turned out to be the start of a new journey.

During that production I was asked by the Wycliffe team to join them as a trainee Drama Director. Since then, I have had the opportunity to direct sections of The Luke Drama (Maleny, April ‘24 — a new production for 2025), The John Drama (Bendigo, July ‘24) and The Matthew Drama (Montmorency, Sep ‘24). These have been wonderful opportunities to speak into the lives of the cast members, and for the Holy Spirit to speak afresh into the lives of the various communities where the performances have occurred. It has been a wonderful thing to see the way that God has moved on each occasion, as the dramas become a living translation of Scripture where the audience become eye-witness participants.

The above photo shows me working with potential production and cast members in preparation for the coming Fraser Coast production of Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia (WBTA) The John Drama scheduled for late November-early December this year. I thank God for the support of Stewart Riddell and Angela Dorian for joining the production team to help make our local event a reality. I’m expecting a move of God as His Spirit moves.

Please pray for the production team, the cast and the audiences that come along. Let’s make this an opportunity for spiritual insight and development among the Christian Church, and for outreach to the unchurched by bringing along family, friends, neighbours and colleagues.

Next year looks like there will be opportunities for me to continue this ministry locally, nationally, and internationally for which I praise God.