
The Logos Word of God

“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.'
John 8:58
On Sunday we heard from Brett regarding John chapter 1; the logos word of God being Jesus. Jesus didn't state that He was God, but He said some statements that help us understand how He is part of the trinity. Firstly, He is eternal. John 1 says this clearly declaring Him as the creator of the universe.

One of my readings this week was John 8:58. (Please read the entire passage for the bigger picture). In verse 58 Jesus says a weird statement, "Before Abraham was born, I am". As Jesus said this, the Pharisees picked up rocks to stone Him. The Pharisees considered this blasphemy, but why?

Jesus' statement was the same word spoken to Moses at the burning bush, as God said, "I am". Jesus was referring directly back to that well known moment and claiming equality with God. He was claiming His divinity.

What have been your reflections since Sunday's sermon?
How do you connect with Jesus, who not only is man, but also God?

Your brother in Christ,
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