

'…..baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.'
Matthew 28:19

The Trinity is a hard doctrine to understand. We know that the Bible affirms without a doubt that there is only one true God. We also know that Jesus claims to be that one true God (I AM – John 8:58). And that the Holy Spirit is God dwelling within us. Yet, why does Jesus talk to the Father? When He prays, if He is God, who is He talking to? At Jesus' baptism, why was the voice of the Father heard, and the Holy Spirit observed as separate from Jesus? (Matt 3:16-17) How can there really be one true God, yet three distinct persons?

The truth is that we do not have the human capacity to understand the fullness of God in all His complexity. If we did, then He would not really be God. There is no simple illustration that can describe God adequately. This is where we have to humble ourselves to believe what the Bible says is true even if there seems to be clashing ideas. God is one, yet in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each distinct in role but each one fully God. Even though the word 'trinity' itself is not in the Bible, it is the word we use to describe how the Bible truths fit together. This is the wonderful world of theology, trying to explain the eternal God in human terms.

God bless you and your family,