Our Stories

Young Adults Ministry

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” 
Colossians 2:6-7
By Lachlan Davis

The Young Adults (YA) ministry has had joys and challenges in 2024. Our target group is 16–30-year-olds, and this is a time of life full of transitions: finishing school, entering the workforce, tertiary education, and long-term relationships. It’s a stage where people often wrestle with life's big questions for the first time, not just doing or believing something because their families do.

It is a privilege to journey through the ups and downs of life and faith with our Young Adults, so I would like to share some stories from 2024 where I have been encouraged by seeing God at work.

Sitting with Young Adults as they think about steps of obedience, such as baptism, and hearing their testimonies about how God has changed their lives is such a joy. Please pray for our Young Adults who have been baptised this year that they will continue to have their hearts and minds fixed on Christ. One of the YAs who was baptised this year only became a Christian in 2023, and seeing his understanding of God and His word grow has been a highlight.

This year's YA camp focused on Mission. As our YAs heard from missionaries and Scripture, many were impacted and encouraged to think about how they could be involved in God’s global mission. Seeing our Esther Pattemore leading a short-term trip to the Philippines over the summer is exciting. Keep her in your prayers!

Ali and I lead a Life Group specifically for 16 to 21 year-olds. This is the best fun; we hardly ever stick to my curated Bible study outline. We were so encouraged to see the group forming its own identity and community this year. When Ali and I were recently away on holiday for a few weeks, unprompted, the group got together without us to hang out and read the Bible together—how good!  

Praise God for what He continues to do in the lives of our Young Adults.