Life Groups

Let's Do Life Together

God desires for us to share life with others. 
He created us to be in a community, participating with fellow believers.
A Life Group, (house church, small group, whatever you want to call it), is a group of people like you and me who regularly gather to build lasting friendships, encourage one another, and have a Christ-centred focus in their lives. When you belong to a large church like Hervey Bay Baptist, it’s sometimes difficult to become acquainted with others and form friendships. Joining a Life Group allows individuals and families to do just that.

What happens in a Life Group?
Life Groups can take on many different forms and styles. Life Groups typically gather weekly in their homes or at the church. Every Life Group is unique.  Some discuss the weekend message, and others will have a short Bible study of their choice, spend time in prayer, build and strengthen relationships with each other and God, and, of course, have lots of fun and usually great food. Some groups serve together in the community or have more of a social gathering; others focus on prayer or Bible study. Whatever your life stage, whether you're single, married, an empty nester, have a young family, or are a single parent, you and your group will decide what happens in the group. Groups change according to what suits the needs of their members at the time.

Who leads the Life Group and what are they expected to do? 
A group leader is primarily a point of contact and communication, internally to group members and externally to the church's leadership. A leader will prepare, lead and help keep the group focused as you gather. Leadership may delegate roles such as leading studies, administration and hospitality or rotate between members if that is desired.

Take the next step by filling out the Join a Life Group form: 
When you do, you’ll be connected with other people who fill their lives with Jesus.

What if there isn’t a Life Group suited to me? 
This might signify that God is calling you to start a group! If God’s placed a specific passion or calling within you, He might want you to take a step of faith and launch a Life Group around it. You won’t have to do this alone, however. Our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Position Objective:
Life Group leaders are representatives and reflect the heart of Christ first and foremost. They cultivate a welcoming and safe environment where people can connect with God, others, and their community. As a Life Group leader, you have the privilege of leading the way for people to encounter life change and shepherding and guiding them in their relationship with Jesus Christ. As a leader, you also represent Hervey Bay Baptist Church. Church membership is required.

Values & Mission
Life Groups are the primary way that Hervey Bay Baptist Church leads people to connect with God, others, and our community. We seek to Equip, Care, Empower, and Go, through the model given to us by Jesus' life on earth.

For more information and discussion, please contact me at

Let’s Do Life Together!

James Dearden
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