
Church Value #5: Significant Community Impact

By Mitch Davis
We're up to our fifth devotion in this series on our church values, and this week we are reflecting on our value of wanting to have a significant community impact. More specifically, as a church we want to encourage and equip each other to live out our faith so that those around us see Jesus in our lives.

Living out a vibrant and genuine faith is a key way of making the gospel known, and the Bible says that our lives should be a witness whether we are surrounded by Christians or non-Christians. Let’s have a look at two short passages of scripture that consider how we live out our faith in both these spheres.

Firstly - among believers - my mind goes to John 13. This is the account of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the Passover feast. Peter questions him on this act of humility and love, doubtless feeling that if anything, he should be the one washing Jesus’ feet. But Jesus explains that he has done this as an example for the disciples to follow. This is summed up beautifully in verses 34-35: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. [John 13:34-35, ESV, emphasis mine]

Isn’t this incredible? Jesus wants his followers to be marked by love. This is what will tell Christians apart - that they follow the example of Christ in demonstrating humble and self-sacrificial love. Jesus demonstrated this love by washing the feet of his disciples, by touching and healing those afflicted with blindness and leprosy, by choosing to spend his time with tax collectors and outcasts, and ultimately by humbling himself to die on the cross for our salvation.

If Jesus’ own example of radical love isn’t enough, I’d also like to quickly highlight 1 Peter 2:12, which says: Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honourable, so that… they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.

Here, it is clear that Christ’s radical love needs to extend beyond the boundaries of the church. It needs to flow into the community around us. This is Jesus’ plan for his people - that they be known as a people of love. Feeding the homeless, welcoming strangers and refugees, clothing the poor. These are the things churches should be known for in the community, so that God may be glorified.

Are we striving to show this love to each other? To those around us? This can be hard, and I’m certainly guilty of being selfish with my time and money. But to get us thinking seriously in this space - consider the ministries of COACH and StreetWorks in our own town, or We Care 2. Think of international ministries to the most desperate places on Earth, such as Barnabas Aid or Compassion Australia. These ministries are worthy of our support, prayers, time and finances - because this is how God wants his followers to live out their faith. If these types of ‘love ministries’ aren't part of how you’re living out your faith, I’d really like to challenge you on this. Jesus doesn’t leave this as an optional extra - he wants love to be the defining feature of his followers.

May we, at Hervey Bay Baptist, be a church defined by outdoing one another in showing the love of Christ.

God bless.
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