Our Stories

Highlights from Children's Ministry

By Colleen Fuller
Being involved in Children’s Ministry is so rewarding. We have the chance to engage the hearts of children when they are most open to the gospel by stepping into their lives. For some children it is an opportunity to share the gospel for the first time in his or her life. We help them form their first thoughts of who Jesus is and help them see that Jesus is real.

Children’s Ministry consists of teams of people of all ages who are very dedicated and committed to serving each week. Without these teams of people, our kids would miss out on these programs.

One of the highlights taking place in Children’s Ministry is the involvement of the Junior Leaders. They are a very enthusiastic dynamic group of teenagers who are so committed to serving each week. Many of them serve in both Kids Church on Sunday mornings and KidsClub on Friday nights. They are taking on more responsibility all the time. The younger children look up to the Junior leaders and many are excited to become Junior Leaders when they reach High School age.

Another highlight was our Skate Night when we pulled all the chairs to the side of the auditorium and families came along with their skates and scooters. Chris and Paul, along with Judith, served coffee and cake to the parents. I was so encouraged to see families getting to know one another especially connections developing between church families and the families from the community.

The “FlashMob” was another event that made an impact. The children were so excited to “take over” church for a short time. The encouragement that was received from everyone was awesome for the kids.

Children’s Ministry’s goal is to glorify Christ and fulfil His mission, to make disciples. Through Children’s Ministry we aim to see lives and families transformed as we all live out the ways of Jesus.
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