
Nikki Goodwin

No matter how long you have known God, there is always that one moment when everything becomes real.

Whilst we may talk a lot about the value of choice, much of what we stand for by way of values and beliefs, is given to us before we are even thought about. We are born into specific values and beliefs. And that is what it was like for me.

I was raised in a Christian household, and within a wider Christian family network, some even Baptist pastors.

Whilst my parents weren’t regular church goers, they did whatever they could to ensure I knew about God. Sunday School, Girl’s Brigade, Youth Groups. And later in life I chose to participate in Christian Fellowship for Nurses, Christian Women’s and Bible Study Groups.

Growing up, and particularly during my teenage years I was a bit of a loner. Introvert, you might even say.

I experienced at many times during my life periods of extreme sadness. The loss of a loved one was usually the cause. This was also a time when I questioned my beliefs.

I definitely knew a lot about God. There were times  I felt very close with him, however was it an every day relationship? Nope! So what was wrong with me?

I remember praying and asking God to surround me with people who really knew God and lived through him. I yearned to see and feel the same peace that I saw in them.

After that, every time I opened the Bible it was as if the words were jumping out of the pages straight into my heart.

During Sunday services, I truly felt that I was the only one in attendance and that the message shared was just for me.

I read once a quote by Saint Augustine. “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him the greatest human achievement.”

On attending Hervey Bay Baptist Church I was so touched, learning of the great things that “Kindness Works” was achieving. I believe that as Christians, God gives us different gifts to use. It is a true blessing to give rather than receive and when I prayed to find my gift, I was lead to the COACH program.

All through my life I have been drawn to activities that contribute to stronger families. If we have stronger parents, we have stronger families, then stronger communities.
In doing this it is integral that we allow individuals to help and grow themselves. Don’t tell them what to do, or do it for them. Give ideas and options and allow participants to choose what is right for them. This is what builds self-esteem, resilience and sustainability. This is COACH.
No act of kindness is too small. When we serve others, we honour God!

If you would like to consider being a COACH mentor like me, learn more here.
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