
Pleasing The Right Audience

Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God.
If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant.
Galatians 1:10
The apostle Paul encountered many false teachers in his ministry. These false teachers would follow after he had evangelised an area and confused the Christians by their teaching. They were often impressive orators who used manipulation to win a following, and many of them became rich in doing so. As the apostle Paul opposed these teachings he upset a lot of people. And yet what was most important to him was that he remained faithful to God’s calling and to the truth of the gospel.

The message of the gospel, though powerful to save lives, can also be offensive to some. I suppose that is why many of us Christians tend to be a little quiet when it comes to promoting God’s messages. But it would do us good to remember who we should be trying to please. Pleasing God is our first calling, even if it means putting some people offside. The message of the gospel is just too important for us to be shy about. I trust God will bless you as you seek to be faithful to him in witness.

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