Our Stories

Act of Kindness

Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father
who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow.
James 1:17
By Di Priest

We recently had a gently spoken couple come in to our HBBC office to ask if there was a family they could bless for Christmas. They are a local couple, not church attenders, who felt it important to give generously to others who might not have access to the resources needed to provide a delightful Christmas for their family.

We told them of a COACH family, a mum and her two young children who were struggling due to the impact of domestic violence in their lives for many years. A family in such isolation due to trauma that they are unable to leave their home. Fear still grips them and danger feels present every day.

We gave no names, only a few details, but this couple set off to purchase all the fixings, trimmings, gifts and vouchers needed to ensure Christmas would bring joy and delight to this traumatised young family.

A week later they returned to pass on all their purchases. They were encouraged by the blessings they received in being able to generously supply, plus the encounters they had as they shared with some businesses what they were doing and why.

The COACH mentor and myself have the privilege of delivering the gifts next week and the excitement in the voice of the mum when I told her the story, was testament enough to what God can do in the lives of others through generous acts of kindness.
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