Our Stories

KCC Soccer Camp

By Matt Lahey,

Back in 2019, my co-worker and I had a dream to start a soccer camp in Kilbride. Little did I realize that it would take 4 years for that dream to become a reality. They say that patience is a virtue, eh?

Fast forward to February 2023 and I find myself out near Vancouver, B.C visiting Cloverdale Baptist Church. It was there that I had the opportunity to pitch the idea of a Kilbride Community Church (KCC) soccer camp later on in the summer back in Newfoundland. I left B.C feeling extremely encouraged and optimistic that we could actually pull it off! And then, a few weeks later...the young adults leader drops me a text saying "yeah, so, we have 9 young ads coming to help you guys later this year."

I was like, well then...I guess we're doing this!

...And I gotta be honest, despite leaving feeling optimistic, I'd be lying to you if I said that the pessimism wasn't setting in. I had no reason to think that the Lord couldn't do something like this, but, as with a lot of things, I let doubt take control.
And so for the next 6 months we planned and prepped - the Lord gave us a high school (the gymnasium, cafeteria and outdoor soccer field) to rent at an extremely low rate - He introduced us to other churches who ran similar soccer camps and we learned from their experience, we were able to apply for and received evangelism and outreach grants, and then the time came for us to launch our registration portal...

...and within the first 60 minutes, we had a registration from a family - unknown to us - in the community. As we were planning, we had no idea how many registrations we could logistically take on and so we agreed that 30 - as a first time camp - would be a good number to start with. And that's what we prayed for over the next 3 months.

And then, on Day 1 - we had 30 kids registered with an additional 6 signing up on the spot!

And I gotta tell ya...we weren't expecting this at all. In fact, I wish I could tell you that there was some sort of curveball or share of a challenge or situation during the camp...but I can't. I literally cannot tell you that something...anything...went wrong because nothing did.


Not only were we able to pull of an exceptional soccer camp - a camp by which many Gospel conversations were had, relationships were built, we were able to speak into the lives of children and families alike...the camp was nothing short of amazing!

Even in the evaluation form that we sent out after the camp, everyone who filled it out agreed how fantastic it was, and how they can't wait for next year.

Take a look at at the highlight video.

Soccer Equipment to support this outreach ministry is now available to purchase through our Two Birds Gift Catalogue
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