Our Stories


Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Emmanuel.
Isaiah 7:14
Emmanuel - God with us.

As we step into December, the countdown is on as we plan, shop, prepare, attend end of year functions and family celebrations.

As we step into December, may we daily remember and reflect through prayer, this incredible gift of Jesus our Saviour coming to earth!

Can we truly fathom this?

The God who created the universe, giving us life, not only in this life, but beyond into eternity to be with Him forever. He gave up everything, to be amongst us; to step into 'Our Story'.

And not only that, He then invites us to become a part of His Story, the work He is doing, in us and through us, as we daily surrender our lives to Him!

Amid our Christmas preparations, may we find ways to observe the holiness of this season in our everyday lives.

There's an abundance of resources available online to assist in keeping ours, and our family's, focus on Jesus this Advent. Let me share just one site to help you get started. Advent Resources
Or download this free advent calendar to make , helping us reflect on a different name of Jesus each day.

May your Advent bring a new and fresh revelation of our incredible God, His holiness and love for us.

Nicole Wilson
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