Our Stories

HBBC Men & Women

By James Dearden,

Reconnect (for women)
2023 was a successful year for the Reconnect events that occurred. Every second month there was a buzz in the café where up to 70 ladies would come together, connect, eat and drink while listening to quality speakers. The team worked within a framework and vision of making sure they helped all the ladies connect to God and each other, whilst still able to invite unreached friends to their gatherings. We believe this was achieved and I thank the committee and volunteers for their dedication, time and energy. I also want to personally thank the committee members who are stepping down this year and acknowledge the hard work and commitment they had to caring for the ladies in our church. A reconnect event will not be occurring in Term 1 of 2024 as the team will be revisioning and building up the committee and volunteer base.

Men's Breakfasts
This year the men’s breakfasts have been a time of good food and fellowship. The volunteers in the kitchen (the 'Rebels for Jesus' Life Group) have done a wonderful job each month of cooking up a solid brekky. The guest speakers have been inspirational and challenging. Testimonies were powerful and moving. I want to thank all the men who have given their time to volunteer, coordinate and share at these events. We thank you. The goal for men’s breakfasts is to continue building intergenerational relationships. Why don’t you continue coming along into 2024 as we maintain a focus on discipleship.

Your brother in Christ, James

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