Our Stories

Back to School

As we welcome in a new school year, it brings us great joy to share some uplifting news from a local school within our region. The return to the classroom has been marked not only by excited faces but also by a subtle, yet discernible, presence of the Holy Spirit, gently influencing the hearts of both staff and students.

Reflecting on the past year, 2023 witnessed significant spiritual growth within one of our school communities in particular. The three Bible Studies offered throughout the school saw several students becoming Christians and others receiving their first Bibles. Furthermore, watching "The Chosen" has become a new lunchtime favourite with students from a range of backgrounds joining in.

We are encouraged by students from Christian families taking initiative to lead Bible Studies and introducing their peers to the Alpha Course. A favourite moment was also learning of a student who, having received a Bible from a Religious Instruction teacher in primary school, now faithfully brings it each week.

As we start the 2024 school year, we anticipate with hope and prayer that God will continue to guide and bless the endeavours within our local schools. May the seeds sown in 2023 bear fruit, and may God continue to shape the lives of those within all our school communities.
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