Our Stories

The God Who Goes Before

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen  
Ephesians 3:20 & 21
Sue’s daily dependence on God began in 1982 when she accepted Jesus.  As the journey continues, Sue is thankful for God’s abundant love and steadfast presence in life’s joyous parts, and in times of despair and fear. In recent years, the road has been more difficult than ever before.

Ten years ago after receiving chemotherapy treatment, Sue’s husband Neville showed signs of the onset of dementia. Like any journey, the road is difficult to predict, but Sue has learned to depend on God for help daily.

It was tough working through the changes and decline in Neville’s cognitive abilities and knowing where it might end up. These challenges were brought before the Lord in prayer, seeking His help to exercise patience, kindness, and wisdom to know what to do.

As the time drew near, and in the knowledge that Neville needed full-time care, God placed people on Sue’s path to walk this journey with her.  Meeting others in similar circumstances provided an outlet via discussion, an increased understanding of the disease and a way to resolve issues. Miraculously, people experienced in aged care became available to help Sue recognise, accept, and handle the situation. Meeting regularly with a group of knowledgeable people has been life-giving. Help always came in God’s perfect timing, and Sue continues to look to God to go before her as further changes need to be made in her life.
In Sue’s changed and challenging circumstances, God has faithfully provided for her.  She is thankful and feels supported in her journey by the HBBC community.  Ephesians 3:14-21 are constant verses in her daily walk with God. In this season, Neville is uppermost in Sue’s life.
Please pray for Sue and the many others within our church family who are living with dementia in their daily lives.  

Bless them, Father, with patience, loving and supporting family and friends, and days of hope.  

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