Our Stories

God, Our Provider

The Special Members meeting for Hervey Bay Baptist Church, was held on Sunday 17 March following the 9.30am service. As Members discussed the need for the new Fire Hydrant system and prayed over the matter, great unity was demonstrated.

The following recommendations were discussed and subsequently approved at the meeting:

  • the tender submitted by Kimber Plumbing be accepted for the amount of $569,107.24.
  • that the loan facility of $600,000 be sought from Baplink to cover the cost of the tender, project management fees and a contingency of 10% for variables that may arise outside of the known costs.
  • If variations on costs exceed 10% of this loan amount, that a further report be brought back to members to approve any further expenditure.
  • Church members grant authority for any two of the Elders to sign all loan documentation on behalf of the Church once the loan is approved.

Members also discussed the need to raise funds to secure the loan from Baplink and help to manage the repayments alongside annual Church budgets. Two Sundays in April – 21st and 28th have been designated to be Pledge Sundays, where we will be invited to commit to support the repayment of the loan as a Church and as individuals.

Copies of the minutes from the meeting will be available to Members and associates next week. Pledge forms are available from the auditorium foyer or you can complete online.
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