For Young Adults aged 16-19 to help with transitions to a group. Meeting together to enjoy some fun times & learning from God's Word.
Young Adults Bible Study - Hervey Bay
Mondays 7 pm | Young Adult Group | Urraween
A group of working singles and couples meeting weekly. This group offers stimulating discussions around Bible topics and life relevance.
Men's Life Group
Mondays 7:30 pm | Men's Group | Nikenbah
This group has the heart to build relationships and help each other grow as men, husbands, and fathers in their day-to-day lives.
Mix Gen Life Group
Monday 7 pm | Mixed Group | Urraween
A diverse group that meets to study God's word and journey in life together.
Rebels With A Cause
Tuesday 9am | Men's group | Church Building
Men of all ages are welcome. Blokes sharing God's word.
Lord's Gym
Tuesday 7 pm | Men's Group | Urangan
Studying God's word and searching for answers together in a safe environment as we grow in our relationship with God.
Wednesday's @ Church Life Group
Wednesday 9.30 am | Mixed Group | Church Building
Our goal is to journey together in our faith and deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, the study of His Word and thought-provoking discussions.
Salt & Light
Every 2nd Wednesday 7 pm | Mixed Group | Point Vernon
Group meeting to support each other in living a life knowing and loving God, and supporting how best we can impact those around us
Laviano Life Group Maryborough
Wednesday 7 pm | Mixed Group | Maryborough
Connecting with Maryborough people on life's journey. Sharing our faith, studying God's word, and intentionally inviting others into our community to know Jesus.
Wednesday Young Adults - Life Group
Wednesday 7.00 pm | Young Adult | Urraween
A group of working singles and couples meeting weekly. This group offers stimulating discussions around Bible topics and life relevance.
Fellowship Club
Wednesday 11:30am - 1pm | Mixed Group | Pialba
Mixed Group meeting for a meal, small devotional, and discussion.
Worship Time @ Torbay
2:30 pm -Every month on the 3rd Wednesday
Meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month for a cuppa prior to a time of hymn singing followed by a devotional. A time to refresh friendships and make new ones.
Women of The Word
Fridays 9 -11:30am | Women's Group | Sunshine Acres
Growing and changing lives for God's Kingdom.
Point Vernon Light House
Thursday 7:00 pm | Mixed Group | Point Vernon
A group of dedicated Christians wanting to impact Pt. Vernon for God
Ladies KYB
Thursday 9:30 am | Women's Group | Urangan
We look forward to and enjoy our weekly Know Your Bible studies, prayers and discussions.
Prayer Group
Thursdays 7 pm | Mixed Group | Church Building
For those who seek to develop their prayer lives and have the interest to pray for the spiritual life of our church.”
Thursday 7 pm| Women's Group |Torquay
A place for women to fellowship, form Christian friendships and discuss God. 25-40 age group but not strictly. Running during school terms.
Wyer - Families Life Group
Friday fortnightly 6 pm | Mixed Group | Church Building
Our family life group caters for young parents and families with grown-up children. The group provides opportunities for families to build strong relationships while catering specifically for family needs.
Mums & Bubs
Fridays 10am | Church Building
We aim to equip mums of young children to be Godly wives and mothers through studying the Word of God, discussion, prayer, and fellowship during school terms.